Kate Dansie LCSW-C
Adolescent, Adult, & Family Therapy
"The curious paradox is that the moment I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."
Carl Rogers
Evidenced-Based Treatment for Adolescents, Adults, and Families
Treatment Areas:
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
School Refusal
Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Eating Disorders
Personality Disorders
Family conflict
Mood Disorders
Mood Dysregulation

Individual Therapy
Are you tired of making your life small just because your body is big? Is body image holding you back from doing things you've always wanted to do? Are you stuck in an endless cycle of restricting and binge eating?
Or, are you exhausted by rituals that your mind says you just have to do?
I can help.

Support for Parents and Families
Are you struggling with communication? Are you unsure how to support your teen, especially when they are dysregulated?
Are you struggling with body image alongside your adolescent?
I love working with and supporting parents.
I can help.

Food Exposures
Have you made progress with your eating disorder recovery, but eating out is still scary?
If you're still struggling to get comfortable with certain fear foods, it can help to have someone try them with you. I help clients feel empowered around foods that are frightening by going into the community and enjoying them together.
I can help.